Following Projects and Organizations

On BLDUP you can follow specific projects and organizations to receive real time updates to your inbox.

The following tab is helpful to organize companies you may be interested in going after. This way you can receive updates when their organization is awarded a new project and use this information to start a new conversation or simply congratulate them on a win! 

Step 1: Following New Orgs/Projects

The quickest way to follow new projects and organizations is through your Biz Intelligence saved searches. If you scroll to the right of your saved search list you can click on the green Receive Updates button to move this project or organization to your Following tab. 

You can also follow projects and organizations through the actual project or organization page as shown below. 


Screenshot 1 followingscreenshot 3 following

screenshot 2 following


Step 2: My Updates on the Following Tab

To view any updates on the projects or organizations you are following, select the My Updates section under the Following tab. Updates will appear in the form of news updates on the project or organization. You can click directly on the news update or project from here. 

screenshot 4 following


Step 3: Adjusting who you are Following

You may edit who you are following from the My Projects and My Organizations section of the Following tab. 

screenshot 5 following