Tagging Your Company on a Project

On BLDUP you can tag your company on project pages so BLDUP customers and visitors can view your work.

Step 1: Marketing Tab

Make sure you are logged in to your account and select the Marketing tab -- Content/Marketing Overview. Here you should see your company name under Organization Overview

Note: If you not see your organization listed refer to Claim/Add Your Company Page.

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Step 2: Tag Projects Button

Projects you are already tagged in will be displayed on the right hand side under Project Ownership

Select Tag Projects to open a search bar to search for projects you have either worked on or are currently working on. 

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Step 3: Searching for your Projects 

Search for your projects using the name or address of the project and click the green submit button. You do not need to fill out location. 

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Step 4: Tagging

Scroll down from the search bar and projects will be displayed here. Project names are displayed in the blue box on the left-hand side. Ensure the drop down on the right is correct for what your company is responsible for on this project and click the blue ADD TAG button. 

Note: Requested tagged projects will go to BLDUP for approval before they will display on your marketing tab. 

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